There’s a Game of Thrones Management Style Quiz and It’s Actually Pretty Accurate

Are you really more Tyrion than Joffrey?

Would you really manage like Tyrion Lannister?

Would you really manage like Tyrion Lannister?

What can Game of Thrones teach you about managing talent in the modern workplace? A lot apparently, given all the backstabbing and politicking going in each episode. In fact, the Wall Street Journal has created an interactive game where you can learn which character you most resemble at the office. (Hmm, when did WSJ turn into Buzzfeed?)

Are you a senior executive ready to use a competitor’s ideas against them, buy Twitter followers rather than amass them naturally, and ship off an uppity employee to the Singapore office? Then you’re the “decisive, neurotic and cruel” Cersei Lannister, says the quiz.

I got Jon Snow, meaning I’m “honorable, strong-willed and trustworthy.” (This poll seems pretty dead on.) But I can also “be short-sighted and naïve,” and my “tenacious loyalty” can prevent me from moving up the corporate ladder. (Hey, wait a minute…)

If you want to nerd out even more, check out this WSJ article examining the management styles of the show’s main characters. Here’s Waverly Deutsch, clinical professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business discussing Jaime Lannister and the succession plan for House Lannister:

“Jaime doesn’t want to be a leader, he wants to be an individual contributor,” said Deutsch. This conflicts with his father Tywin’s succession plan for House Lannister. “Succession-planning in business is so difficult,” she added. “We’re in a period right now where corporations are being led by baby boomers who are heading up towards retirement age, and they have Gen Xers and millennials behind them.” The Gen Xers came through during downturns —from the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000 to the crash in 2008—where things like leadership training got cut at a lot of companies.

“They haven’t gotten really the training and the mentoring that the boomers had from the generation before them,” said Deutsch. “And the boomers are looking at them going, ‘We don’t have succession planning,’ and that’s exactly what’s going on for Tywin.”