Best of Philly

Best Training Programs

2020 Best Socially Conscious Fitness Programming

Spirits Up!

After weeks of protests, a new group founded by Germantown activist and artist Sudan Green sought to heal the Black community through yoga and meditation events in poignant locations, like where the Frank Rizzo statue once stood in front of the Municipal Services Building and, on Juneteenth, in West Philly’s Malcolm X Park. The events were free, came with gratis yoga mats, and were taught by notable local instructors, including Jean-Jacques Gabriel and Adriana Adelé. Future plans include a brick-and-mortar location and sponsored teacher training for Black yogis. Read More »


2018 Best Training Programs You’ll Love to Hate

You Should Be Running programs by Goalsfit

People actually pray for thunder to get out of the timed intervals at Kasey Manwaring’s Roxborough High School track workouts. But there’s a reason they keep coming back: The Boston Marathoner’s training programs make experienced runners faster and help first-timers finish major races. Read More »

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