Cauliflower Hummus: How to Use Cauliflower Like You’ve Never Used It Before


The other weekend, I found myself at Westmont’s oh-so-cute vegan- and gluten-free cafe Heart Beet Kitchen after a hike at Black Run. And I was hangry. Like, can’t-speak-to-anyone-without-giving-them-an-inappropriate-serving-of-side-eye hangry. This cauliflower hummus — which sounds weird, I know! — changed that. Served with pita, it tempered my stomach growls and unwarranted anger in record time. And after scraping the serving bowl clean, I shamelessly asked owner Ashley Coyne for the recipe. You’ll find it below.

While it has the texture of a spread (though a bit chunkier than hummus, since the cauliflower doesn’t get completely smooth), I think it would make for a good addition to a veggie buddha-bowl situation or serve as a yummy sandwich spread, too. Okay, get to cookin’ people!

1 head of cauliflower, chopped and roasted
1/4 cup chickpeas
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/3 cup tahini
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon cumin
salt and pepper to taste

1. Pour all ingredients into food processor and pulse until the ingredients have a smooth, hummus-like texture.

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