12 Reasons Why Being Healthy and Fit in Philly Was Awesome in 2012
1. We had a blast at The Color Run.
Remember that time in July when 26,000 of you descended on the Art Museum to get blasted with colored cornstarch during a 5K run through Philly? And remember how awesome that was? Okay, that is all.
2. We maxed out The Broad Street Run.
Who knew so many people were itching to get out and run 10 miles? The race’s five-hour sell-out in February took everyone by surprise, including Broad Street organizers. Those of us who were able to make it through the monumentally slow registration process (Remember? Everyone logged on at the same time, remember, and we were thisclose to crashing the servers.) felt like we’d just won the lottery. Which, you know, is exactly how runners feel next year, when the race officially moves to a lottery-registration system.
3. We (almost) hosted two marathons in one month.
Now that would have been something to see. After Hurricane Sandy caused New York City Marathon organizers to cancel the race, reports surfaced that our own Mayor Nutter had offered to hold the race here—two weeks before the Philadelphia Marathon was set to run. Could we have pulled off both races? I’m still not so sure, but I’m sure Mayor Nutter would beg to differ.
4. We got healthy at work.
Not only did I try a treadmill desk for the first time, I learned that lots of you have awesome workplaces that help you be healthy and active while you work. The in-office farmer’s market at Bracket remains my favorite perk.
5. We guzzled lots and lots (and lots and lots) of fresh, healthy juice.
Between Ryan Crowns Juice Club, Lithe Method, Pangaea Earth Foods, and Jar Bar (which is now only on the Main Line, btw), we were practically drowning juice options. And you know what? I was okay with that.
6. We got down at Be Well Boot Camp.
Not to rub your face in it or anything, but if you missed our first Be Well Boot Camp event in June, you really missed out. We brought together the best fitness, yoga and spinning instructors, personal trainers, doctors, athletes and more for a jam-packed day of health and wellness just for ladies. And we’re already gearing up for our 2013 event so stay tuned for details!
7a. We figured out that healthy lunches are a no-brainer…
Hip City Veg! Pure Fare! Sweetgreen! (Also, see #5.)
7b. … and breakfasts, too.
Proving that, yes, you can have your quinoa muffin and eat it, too.
8. We rallied together after Sandy.
Lots of yoga studios and gyms opened their doors after Hurricane Sandy to help with relief efforts, offering places to shower and recharge and hosting fundraisers to raise support. It was a proud moment for Philly.
9. We went bananas over pumpkin.
In particular, a pumpkin-pie smoothie. You’re welcome.
10. We crowned a Health Hero.
That honor went to Dr. Beth DuPree, an amazing breast surgeon at Holy Redeemer who’s helping women (and, hey, a few men) get a new lease on life after a breast-cancer diagnosis. Our first-ever Health Hero Challenge also introduced us to 15 other amazing individuals helping our city and region become a healthier place to live. We can’t wait to see who our 2013 competition brings into the spotlight!
11. We achieved the impossible: low-cal muffins that are actually delicious.
Yes, it happened. And boy am I glad it did.
12. We had farm-fresh produce at our fingertips.
Fresh fruits and veggies from local farms were ours for the taking—and we didn’t even have to leave the city to get our fill. Win.