Wellness Wire
Another Reason to Bike to Work
Over the next decade, Philly plans to double the number of marked bike lanes. [Philly.com]
Daddy Blues After Baby
Women aren’t the only ones who can become bummed out post-baby. The pressure to be the emotional rock may have a negative affect on some men. Watch this video to learn more about postpartum depression in men. [Abcnews.com]
Legionnaires’ Disease Hits Close to Home
An employee at the Social Security Administration at Third and Spring Garden Streets has been diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease, a severe bacterial infection that produces pneumonia. A co-worker tested positive for the bacteria but has not yet developed the related pneumonia. [Philly.com]
Drink Up (In Moderation, Of Course)
One new study has shown a direct, positive correlation between moderate drinking and lower anxiety and lower body mass index compared to those who rarely imbibe alcoholic beverages. [CNN.com]
— Research by Jillian Skrocki