The Checkup: The Easiest Brown-Bag Lunch Ever (Bonus: It’s Under 400 Calories)

And more healthy reads for your Monday morning!

• Meal prepping is like a Monday morning in that most people dread it. But setting yourself up to have healthy lunches throughout the week doesn’t have to be a huge pain. Case in point: This four-ingredient brown-bag lunch of a chicken salad-stuffed avocado, which rings in under 400 calories. I suggest adding hemp seeds to ramp up the filling factor, and BOOM: You’ve got yourself filling lunches for the week with little to no effort. [POPSUGAR Fitness]

Mariah Carey’s gym attire is absolutely insane — in a fabulous and amazing way, of course. [Mashable]

• Hold. Up. A new NYC location of Whole Foods has a — wait for it — vegetable butcher. So a station where someone will chop, Julienne or zoodle your vegetables for you. Insert eye rolls mixed with envy here. [Grub Street]

• If you’ve mastered the plank and are looking for a challenge, take note of this knee-tapping plank variation. [Women’s Health]

• Real talk: Is kombucha really worthy of the hype (and the buckets of money it’s costing you)? Here, a few experts weigh in. [The Cut]

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