The Checkup: How to Train for Fall Races During a Stinking Hot Summer

It can be done! Here's how.

• I know it feels like a hundred years off, but fall really is just around the corner. Before you know it, kids will be going back to school, leaves will be changing, sweaters will be pulled out of storage and—oh, crap!—that half marathon you paid for in June and were supposed to be training for all summer is just three weeks away. Avoid those last minute run-cramming sessions by planning ahead and training right, even in the summer heat. Here, how to nail your fall races with a realistic summer training plan. [Runner’s World]

• Everything you ever wanted to know about the Tour de France—how it works, what the colored jerseys mean, how many calories the competitors burn a day—in one adorable animated video, narrated by a man with an adorable French accent. Oui! []

• Have fish on the menu this week? Add some pizazz with this fresh four-herb rub. [Fit.Hip.Healthy]

• Rise and shine! Here are five ways to get your brain cranking first thing in the morning. [Men’s Health]

• Big changes are coming for the Chestnut Hill Farmers’ Market. [Chestnut Hill Local]