Tweet Tease: You’re One Step Closer to La Colombe on Independence Mall

Construction of the new La Colombe is charging along.

Back in December, La Colombe made your coffee-soaked, history-loving heart flutter with happiness when they announced plans to open an outpost in the Dow Building on Independence Mall. As evidenced by the tweet above from Keystone Property Group, those plans are coming along nicely. Crews are busy putting in the stairs, though we still don’t know when exactly it will open. According to Foobooz, La Colombe will eventually be leasing a 1,700-square-feet corner in the building that also contains the highly-popular Independence Beer Garden. Here is rendering of what the outdoor seating area will look like once it’s complete.

The 51-year-old building–designed by Pietro Belluschi and George M. Ewing–has been reborn over the past few years. A partnership between Keystone Property Group, Mack-Cali Corp. and Parkway Corp. has invested $20 million in the property since they bought it in 2013, introducing the beer garden and a new parking garage to go along with its 400,000-square-feet of Class A office space.