PHOTOS: Disney Princes Pull a Nick Jonas for World AIDS Day
Italian artist and activist aleXsandro Palombo has released this collection of images to commemorate and raise awareness on World AIDS Day. The gallery shows eight Disney princes grabbing their junk à la Nick Jonas and holding up a condom wrapper as a way to, as he tells Huffington Post,”represent the youth, beauty, love, the dream [and] the desire to live.” More from HuffPo:
The “Hello Boys” project, which puts a humorous and sexually conscious spin on eight Disney princes, is the brainchild of artist aleXsandro Palombo.
“We live in a society that bombards us with explicit messages and this has radically changed the sexual habits, especially those of young people who often change partners nowadays,” Palombo told The Huffington Post in an email statement. “People who have a relationship are younger and younger and they don’t use condoms.”
Palombo, who says he opted to incorporate the beloved characters into his work because they “represent the youth, beauty, love, the dream [and] the desire to live,” added, “This subject is unfortunately still taboo in most of the families who prefer not to deal with certain issues. If the family can’t, I think that it’s up to the society and the community to do something to raise awareness, inform and educate.”
“Life is wonderful and we have to live it fully and protect it every day,” he said. “That’s what we have to teach to the young people.”
See all the princes like you’ve never seen them before in the slideshow below. For more on the project, go here.