Philly LGBT Youth Bring
“Cyberqueer Performance Expedition”
to Philly Tech Week
Performers and leaders from the Attic Youth Center are leading a unique “cyberqueer performance expedition” at this year’s Philly Tech Week. Led by local choreographer Marcel Williams Foster (The Jane Goodall Experience), GPS Bodies is an improvisational dance work/scavenger hunt that’s driven by audience interaction on Twitter.
Here’s how it works: Audience members start at a designated area, where they are matched with a performer who’s situated elsewhere in the city. The person who bought the ticket will be captain, communicating with the dancer via Twitter to eventually meet up. What happens when you actually discover your match is a big ol’ secret.
Sound kind of like the dating-app experience? Well it should. Foster says GPS Bodies is the first draft of an upcoming application geared toward LGBT youth. “The goal of this collaboration is to create an app that will allow for both digital and fully embodied interface between performers and participants to aid Attic Youth, and LGBTQ teens in general, in learning to use dating apps safely and responsibly in an increasingly digital world.”
Performers include Temple’s Jay Oatis and Attic Youth Center‘s Kemar Jewel, who spoke at our LGBT Six-Word Memoir Slam in October.
GPS Bodies runs in conjunction with Philly Tech Week, April 4th through 12th. For more information, go here.