Hurricane Sandy is Making John Bolaris More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine
Now, it’s is true that erstwhile Philadelphia weatherman John Bolaris doesn’t have a great history with so-called “storms of the century.” And no, he’s not actually employed as a weather forecaster by any local TV stations anymore. But such concerns are mere trifles to Bolaris, who can’t turn away from an impending hurricane, any more than Gary Cooper can leave town instead of facing the villains in High Noon. Bolaris is spending his Friday alerting his 10,000 followers to the dangers posed by Hurricane Sandy as it bears down on the region. A sampling of his Tweets:
Unfortunately, not everybody wants to accept Bolaris’s alerts as the gift they are. Bolaris, however, will keep soldierin’ on.
We’ll be honest: We don’t want to face big storms without John Bolaris there to guide us through. [John Bolaris]