Want a Job? Give Me Access to Your Facebook Page
We call her Aunt Dolores but she’s really not our Aunt. She is … now see if you can follow me … the 70-year-old sister of my sister’s father-in-law. We see her a lot at family functions. A year ago, Aunt Dolores got on Facebook. So she could live up to her reputation as the “fun” Aunt Dolores, she friended my teenage kids. They accepted. What happened next is no surprise. She saw pages that shocked her. Trash talking. Lewd and racy photos. Profane and filthy comments. Inappropriate postings on each others’ walls. And that was just in her bridge club group. The activity on my kids’ pages was even worse!
And then Aunt Dolores committed the ultimate Facebook faux pas: She commented on my son’s wall in response to something stupid another kid wrote. Grandparents and older relatives heed my warning. If you want to have an online relationship with your younger relatives, remember this: Stay silent! Aunt Dolores violated the code. Her reward was instant un-friending.
My wife and I aren’t bad parents. We’ve sat through excruciatingly long middle-school plays, listened without comment as 22-year-old teachers gave us advice on raising children and endured endless drives to Virginia, Maine and parts of Pennsylvania where most inhabitants have one eye and are married to a cousin just so that we could cheer on our kids as they played soccer, baseball, squash and track. Yes, squash.
But we’ve drawn the line at Facebook. We don’t go there. The amount of dribble, trash talk and mostly undecipherable nonsense exchanged between middle- and high-school kids would make any grown man’s brain melt after an extended period of exposure. When it comes to their online activities I have to cross my fingers and trust that my kids use judgment. I am being incredibly naive. But this is a battle I’m not up to fighting.
You would think I would feel the same about Facebook privacy for prospective employees. But I don’t. In fact my stance, as a small-business owner and employer, is different. When someone applies to work at my company, I want to see what they’re up to on Facebook.
Recently, the House of Representatives voted down a bill that would restrict employers’ access to prospective and current employees’ Facebook pages. In a blog last week, PC World’s Tony Bradley argued that he does not want employers to have any access to his Facebook page saying it is an invasion of privacy and a breach of security. “The practice is at least unethical, if not illegal,” he writes. “There is simply no valid reason for an employee to give you his or her Facebook credentials—or any other password for that matter.” I respect Tony’s opinion on this issue. He’s a good writer and I’m a fan of his.
But he’s not an employer. I’m an employer. And if you want to work for me, then I want to see what you’re up to on Facebook.
I understand if this upsets you. It would upset me if I was applying for a job too. I wouldn’t want anyone digging into my Facebook activities. But as a prospective employer I want to see what you’re up to on Facebook. I don’t want your “password.” I don’t want to be able to go onto Facebook and be you. I don’t even want to monitor your activities on Facebook once you’re hired. All I want is to be “friended” for a short period of time while I’m evaluating you as a prospective employee.
I may not even look at your page. It may not even be necessary. And if I do visit your site I doubt I’d even spend much time there. Like most employers, I get it. We know that our employees have personal lives and do goofy things. You should see the moronic exchanges I still have with my fraternity brothers—and we graduated college more than 25 years ago. I don’t really care about that stuff.
But there are some activities that would raise my antenna. I’m no human resources expert, but I am looking for extreme issues. Is your online behavior severely inappropriate? Do you belong to any groups or participate in any activities that could be construed as harmful, racist, demeaning or offensive? Are you a member of the KKK, the Nazi Youth or the New York Mets fan club? Are you crossing a professional line in your personal life that I can’t ignore? This is my livelihood.
Why do I care? Because before I hire someone, I want to know as much information about that person as possible. And there are three reasons why.
1. I have to consider the welfare of my existing employees.
I can’t bring someone into the company who is disruptive or abusive or just not a good fit. At the age of 47, I am still the world’s worst judge of human character. I need all the help I can get. If Facebook helps me determine that a prospective employee may be offensive to others in my office, I want to know that.
2. Small businesses take a large risk when hiring a new employee.
We are investing our time, resources and money in a new person. This is a person who will be representing my company to my customers, suppliers and partners. Who I hire says a lot about me and my company. If, after six months, it turns out to be a failure, the result could be a major setback.
3. In a close contest with another candidate, access to Facebook could work to a prospective employee’s benefit.
Maybe there’s some educational activity that wasn’t on a candidate’s resume. Maybe the candidate is part of a group or has friends I know who could serve as that extra little reference I need. Maybe that candidate is doing something special online, like writing poetry or recommending books, that sets him apart or serves as a deeper connection to me. I’m not looking at just a piece of paper. I’m looking to invest in a person. I want to know everything about that person. I want to feel right about that person before I open up my life to him or her. And make no mistake: For any small-business owner, our business is our life.
And what if, as I was asked recently on MSNBC’s Your Business, a candidate refused my request to give me access to his or her Facebook page? Would that impact my decision to hire that person? It may. I wouldn’t be upset with that person because, like I wrote earlier, I wouldn’t be thrilled about giving up my privacy either. But, if someone refuses to share information that other candidates are sharing, I may not know enough about the candidate to hire him or her.
It’s 2012. Most of us evaluate employees like it’s still 1960. We look at resumes and have an interview and call up a reference or two. Times have changed. The process for hiring people is changing too. Social media is now a deep part of our culture. And it should also be part of the hiring process.