Dinner With Kevin Sbraga

The local Top Chef winner spills his guts on Pizza Hut, Barclay Prime, and his cookbook obsession.

Comfort food: Grilled cheese.

Ethnic restaurant preference: Greek or Mediterranean.

Where you get that around here: There’s not one place I can think of.

Domino’s, Pizza Hut or Papa John’s: Pizza Hut, though I do like Papa John’s fake butter sauce.

Steak order: Rib eye, medium, at Barclay Prime or Butcher & Singer. I know I worked for Stephen, but they really are the best.

Food you’re most likely to eat with your hands: Fried chicken, but if I get steak with a bone, I’m gonna pick it up.

Whether you’re more gentle Vetri or irate Perrier: For the most part, Vetri, but when I get fired up …

Most recent buffet meal: A Chinese buffet six months ago.

Size of cookbook collection: Three or four hundred. It becomes addictive.

Thanksgiving meal: With my Italian and African-American heritage, and my wife being Puerto Rican, there might be collard greens, prosciutto, rice and beans.

Number of restaurants you’ll own in 10 years: If I have the number one restaurant in the country, I’ll be happy with one.