Buzz Bissinger Is the Most Powerful Man in Sports Media
Six Canned for Fixing Parking Tickets. Six employees of the city and Parking Authority have lost their jobs after fixing tickets for family and friends. Biggest fish was Parking Authority deputy finance director Clorise Wynn, who made $101,000 per year and fixed 35 tickets for her daughter and $50,000 worth of tickets for a company that gave her discounted food. [Daily News]
Jon Runyan Wins Jersey GOP Primary. The former Eagle held off a challenge by an upstart Tea Partier. He’ll face one-term incumbent John Adler in the fall. Chest bumps all around at the Runyan house, no doubt. [Inquirer]
Did Comcast Try to Buy Off a Congresswoman? Probably not. But that didn’t stop California’s Maxine Waters from doing some serious hinting. [Consumerist]
Buzz Bissinger Tops Media Power Rankings. The volatile Philly writer topped’s May media power rankings, largely on the strength of his profane use of Twitter, which Buzz has taken to as a way of fending off his critics. Says Buzz: “I use the word f*** a lot.” We’ve noticed. Read more of Buzz’s immortal words in this recent Philly Mag profile. []
Have You Paid Your State Taxes? The state will start putting the names of tax scofflaws online for all the world to mock if you haven’t paid what you owe by June 18th, the last day of the tax amnesty program. The Scoop is good. He thinks. []
Ed Bashing, Part 1. DN columnist John Baer goes after Rendell for his cronyism, selective memory, egotism, and general shirking of responsibility. [Daily News]
Ed Bashing, Part 2. Inky columnist Karen Heller goes after Rendell for his cronyism, selective memory, egotism, and general shirking of responsibility (while also taking a shot at his tan). [Inquirer]
Ed to Lawmakers: “Man Up.” And raise taxes to balance the budget. See, it’s phrases like that which, despite the cronyism, selective memory, etc., make people still like Ed. [Tribune Review]
Haven’t Had Enough of the Soda Tax Debate? Philly probably won’t have one, but there’s an interesting debate about the wisdom of sin taxes in this post on the Times’ Economix blog. Seriously, read it; you’ll sound smart afterwards. [NY Times]