Ed Snider Teams with Kelsey Grammer to Take On Fox News
56,000 Images. That’s how many Lower Merion school officials collected in laptop-gate, activating tracking software on students laptops 146 times. In at least five instances, school employees let the Web cams keep clicking for days or weeks after students found their missing laptops, according to the review. [Inquirer]
Ed Snider, Conservative Media Mogul. The Flyers/Sixers owner is a major backer in the conservative Right Network, which is aiming to compete with Fox News. Front man for the new network: Kelsey Grammer. (This is not a joke.) [Daily News]
Meanwhile, Comcast Says It Has Nothing to Do with the Right Network. All those Internet rumors are wrong. [NY Times, Business Journal]
Inside Starr’s New El Rey. Klein has photos of the new casual Mexican joint. [The Insider]
Get Ready for Joe Sestak. PoliticsPA says today’s the day he launches his TV campaign against Arlen Specter. [PoliticsPA]
What’s Your Favorite Phillies Bar? Local blog iSportacus is having a poll. Or, just check out Philly Mag’s favorite Phillies bars right here. Your call. [iSportacus]
Rendell: Let’s Stop Electing Judges. The gov will have a press conference Wednesday calling for merit selection of judges instead (the Scoop notes that’s how his wife got her Federal gig). [Scranton Times-Tribune]
Katz & Street Have Lunch. The two former mayoral rivals break bread at the Palm. “Two old warhorses” says Sam. [Inquirer]
Eagles New Linebacker: Uh Oh. Former Detroit Lions prez Matt Millen raves about the linebacker the Eagles just got in a trade. This is the same Matt Millen under whom the Lions went a league-worst 31-88. The Scoop fears disaster. [Detroit Free Press]