Today’s Faves
SEPTA Suckiness. When Daily Scoop tried to buy just one SEPTA token at Pattison station to return from Saturday’s Phils game, we were told we couldn’t. But we could buy two tokens. Yes, that makes sense. Check out this Plan Philly piece on why the no to I-80 tolls means SEPTA will continue to be just one decade beyond horse and buggy.
Pay-to-Play in Philly? No. Philly history may be for sale to the deepest pockets. Read the pondering of this possibility at the Brownstoner.
Philadelphia on Flickr. This city never looked so good. Daily Scoop is going to be checking the Metropolis all this week for profiles on cool local photographers who post their work on Flickr.
Video of the Day. Check out this StreetTalkin’ DIY vid (with local theater star Madi Distefano) that shows the waitstaff crowd how to DIY their own server belts. Kind of like fanny packs for hipsters.