Prickly Pears Beer Debuts Today at Dock Street
Tonight at 4 p.m. Dock Street Brewing is debuting a new beer, Nino’s Prickly Pears. The beer is inspired by a recent trip to Sicily by Dock Street owner Rosemarie Certo. While there, Sicilian born Certo enjoyed figs, grapes, olives, pistachios and of course, fichi d’india (prickly pears).
The beer is a ruby red, biere de garde style created by brewer Scott Morrison. Look for notes of kiwi, raspberry and bubblegum notes if you want to treat this beer like a wine.
Bartenders are also mixing a Prickly Pear beer cocktail for the event tonight.
Look for Nino’s Prickly Pears this week and beyond at Dock Street as well as at select beer bar around town.
Dock Street Brewery [Official Site]