Reading Terminal Expansion Continuing

reading terminal

The Rick Nichols Room is open in the Reading Terminal Market, meaning more room for lunchtime diners and a dedicated space for special events and group rentals.

Also underway in the 120 year-old building is the construction of a cheese room by Valley Shepherd’s Eran Wajswol. When completed this summer the cheese room will feature a 150-gallon cheese vat in a glassed-in production room churning out raw-milk cheese. Check out more on Wajswol and Valley Shepherd in this article by Craig LaBan.

Elsewhere in the Market, The Head Nut (dried herbs, spices, nuts, grains and coffees), The Tubby Olive (fresh olive oils and vinegars) and Wursthaus Schmitz (German specialties from Brauhaus Schmitz) are all aiming to open this summer.

Cheesemaking room to debut at Reading Terminal Market [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Reading Terminal Market  [Official Site]

Photo by pompomflipflop, via the Foobooz Flickr Pool