Help the Wander Inn

LPMG, the company that brought us the South Philly Taproom, has many residents of the Point Breeze area excited about their recent acquisition of the Wander Inn, the dilapidated old bar on the corner of 18th and Federal. Not all local residents are thrilled however, and there has been enough neighborhood opposition that LPMG now needs to get signatures in order to get approval of this location. If you would like to see the Wander Inn opened at 18th and Federal, instruction on what you can do are below.

Please send an email to
Anna.Verna@Phila.Gov stating the following; “Please be advised that I am IN FAVOR of the proposed restaurant being
opened at 1800 Federal Street which will include the transfer of an already existing liquor license # R-2844 at aforementioned property. I am in complete agreement with the proposed use of a restaurant with a liquor license for this location.”

Phone Number.