Lunch at Meme

It’s Thursday and that means Meme is serving lunch and David Katz is cooking up his fried chicken deal for $11. Craig LaBan recently took it in.

Not surprisingly, like any serious cook, the opinionated Katz has his own thoughts on what makes great fried chicken. He fries only legs and thighs (“I don’t mess around with breasts, it’s the worst piece on the bird. Dark meat, baby!”) He cooks his chicken in batches slightly in advance of service, rather than piping hot to order (“it has to sit a while before you eat it, or it’s just too hot and the flavors haven’t settled down.”) He prefers to fry yellow-skinned birds rather than the white-skinned breed he roasts whole at dinner (“the yellows have more fat, which helps give skin a little more pliable integrity – it doesn’t shatter.”) 

 Meme fries up a memorable bird [Philadelphia Inquirer]