2023 Jewelry Appraisal
Philadelphia Jewelry Appraisers
Is that Rolex you inherited from your shady uncle real? Did you still go by your maiden name the last time you had your engagement ring appraised? Take your treasure to certified gemologist Joshua Hyman. The man knows jewelry: His parents were jewelers. His grandparents were jewelers. His great-grandfather sold precious metals door-to-door during the Depression. Hyman, though? He’s in the appraisal business — and the only independent appraiser on Jewelers’ Row. Make an appointment online, or just walk into his lab/office, and he’ll tell you all about your jewelry’s specifications — including its value for insurance — in a detailed report, right on the spot. He’ll even clean it for you while you wait.
126 South 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107; philadelphiajewelryappraisers.com