Best of Philly

Best Lice Removal

2024 Best Nitpicker

Ilene “The Lice Queen” Steinberg

There’s possibly no worse message to get from your kid’s teacher: There’s lice in the classroom. But don’t despair — just call the Lice Queen. Steinberg owns the Center for Lice Control, and she’ll have the pests out of your hair in no time. Book an appointment at her Havertown salon for a quick treatment, call her seven-day-a-week hotline, or pick up some of her lice-removal products. Her panic-free YouTube channel is a great resource too. Read More »

68 West Eagle Road, Havertown, PA Website

2019 Best Nitpickers


Because finding one little bug on your child’s head is a freak-out emergency, the local offshoot of this national company will immediately dispatch an expert to hand-remove (no chemicals here) each creepy-crawly. Read More »

| 215-344-1413 | Website