VIDEO: Yes, There Is a Newsies Workout



I was obsessed with the Disney movie Newsies as a kid. I knew all the songs. I knew all the dances. My first AOL screen name was Newsies14. My friends and I would have arguments over who was cuter: Jack Kelly (Christian Bale) or Spot Conlon (Gabriel Damon). (Spot all the way, if you’re wondering.)

Actually, if we’re going full disclosure here, I must admit that I would still consider myself a total Newsies nerd/fan. I own the DVD. My then-boyfriend-now-husband gifted me the used-to-be-out-of-print soundtrack for an anniversary once. (He got it off Ebay! Swoon.) And yes, my mother DID surprise my sister and me with tickets to go see our beloved Newsies on Broadway last year. Because we’re dorky like that.

So it should come as no surprise to you that my mom was the one who sent me the Official Newsies Workout this morning with a note that I should post it on Be Well. Because, duh, obviously. (You’d better believe I’ll be sending this post to my sister as soon as I hit publish.)

The video, posted just yesterday, comes by way of the Disney on Broadway YouTube channel and includes newspaper-shredding choreography to “Seize the Day.” As a 30-year-old adult, my favorite things about this video are:

1) That it comes with a lengthy warning that kids 12 and under should not participate without adult supervision.

2) That it also warns that “sliding on newspapers can be hazardous and cause injury” and the aforementioned children should NOT slide on newspapers as per the video’s instructions.

3) That First Lady Michelle Obama took time out of her day to tell ME (and all the other 12 year olds in the world) that I’m awesome for dancing along with the newsies, as per the message at the beginning of the video.

Unfortunately it doesn’t appear that they were able to convince Christian Bale to participate in the demo, but they were able to score a few Broadway newsies and the show’s official choreographer.

So without further ado, let’s make all my your Newsies dreams come true. Because, you know, it’s a fine life, carrying the banner through it all

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