I Tried It: Stroller Me Skinny

Our writer tests a workout for moms and babies.

What’s a small thing that can make a new mom very happy? (You know, besides tummy time and baby toes and blah, blah, blah…) A workout that doesn’t require childcare. Enter Karli Ross, a personal trainer and founder of Stroller Me Skinny, who leads moms, strollers in hand, around the city, for a killer sweat session that targets those areas that pregnancy reeked havoc on.

What: A mix of cardio and strength training using the stroller as your apparatus and the city streets as your gym. (Think: dips on park benches, push ups on fountains, squats at stop lights, using the perimeter of Washington Square as a track.)

Embarrassment factor: High. But there’s strength in numbers. And when you wake up the next day feeling muscles that you haven’t felt in months (nine months, to be exact) you won’t care.

Baby time: It’s best for kids who can’t yet walk, or good stroller sleepers. Some stretches and exercises include your baby, who will look at you like you are an idiot, but still smile.

Deets: The 45-minute classes start in either Rittenhouse Square, where you’ll power walk down the river, or at Washington Square park. First class is free, $12 after that.

Bonus: You’ll meet new moms, can stop for diaper changes, and no one cares if your kid cries. Plus, you’ll sweat your butt off.