Nestle Helps Fat Pets (And Humans, Too!) Shed Pounds
Fact: Two-thirds of adults in the US are overweight or obese.
Fact: Fifty-five percent of dogs and 54 percent of cats in the US are overweight or obese.
Conclusion: We’ve got a lot of fat creatures here in America. Nestle wants to do something about it.
The Swiss-based food company—which makes Butterfingers, Kit Kat Bars and other sweet treats, by the way—has put together two of its brands to collaborate on an initiative called “Project: Pet Slim Down.” Those brands are Jenny Craig and Purina. (Naturally.)
The idea is to encourage pet owners to give their animals more regular exercise and to feed them more appropriate portion sizes an effort to curb the pet obesity epidemic. Pet owners can sign up to receive tips, record exercise sessions, track weight loss and share photoss. They can also follow the stories of five overweight cats and three dogs via webisodes and before-and-after pictures.
Although the Jenny Craig branding is no where to be found on the project’s website, I’m assuming the human weight-loss program was enlisted to help with motivational tips, goal setting—that sort of thing. But maybe it’s also because of the project’s obvious implication: that if humans help their pets get healthy, they’ll probably shed a few pounds, too. In fact, science backs me up on that one.
So if you’ve got a fat pet at home—and a few pounds to spare yourself—maybe signing up for the Nestle challenge is just what you need to get moving. I’m sure Fido will thank you.