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The Face of Dental Implants and Dental Surgery: Scott K. Smith, DDS

When looking for the best periodontal care or dental implant services in the Philadelphia area, one name stands out: Dr Scott K. Smith. With over 30 years of experience as a specialist, Dr. Smith is highly regarded among his peers and patients. Along with being the primary surgeon at his privately held practice, Dr. Smith is also an instructor, independently hired by a well-known dental implant corporation to teach other dentists best practice techniques in dental implants and other surgeries. Doctors come from all around to study his techniques and perform surgery under his expert guidance.

Dr. Smith is not only set apart by his professional accomplishments but by his approach to patient care. He has an extremely kind and caring disposition, and his compassionate nature instantly puts patients at ease. This is especially important in an industry that can evoke fear in many people. Patients stay with Dr. Smith for many years due to this alone.

His established and busy practice echoes his own personality in that every employee possesses that same desire to go above and beyond in helping and caring for people. After all, caring for people is what drove Dr. Smith into the health care industry many years ago. This is the driving force behind his continued education, which has taken him internationally to be trained in the latest techniques and surgeries available in the world, many of which very few doctors are trained to perform in the United States. None of this would matter, however, without the heart and mind behind the man that takes such great care of his patients.

If you have been told implants may not be an option, have suffered from failed, or failing dental implant(s), or simply have had trouble finding a doctor you truly feel comfortable with, you are invited to call the office and schedule a no-cost consultation today. You will be glad you did.

SK Smith Advanced Periodontics & Dental Implants | King of Prussia, PA | 610-265-7023 | drsksmith.com

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