More Fallout from Beer Raids

The PLCB beer raids of earlier this year continue to have fallout. First came word that Memphis Taproom would not be holding their Myster Beer Weekend this year as it violates Pennsylvania labeling regulations. And now comes word that the PLCB was out in misplaced force on the night of Philadelphia Beer Week’s Opening Tap.

We knew an Episcopalian priest was needed to bless the event with an official sponsorship. What hadn’t caught was that homebrew suppliers Home Sweet Homebrew and Keystone Homebrew Supply were not allowed to pour samples. And then there’s the story Jack Curtin is teasing that describes a teenage son and keg of non-alcoholic root beer were seized by enforcement agents. The whole affair will be out in the forthcoming issue of Mid-Atlantic Brewing News.

In the land of the stupid, the most stupid of all are very stupid indeed. [Jack Curtin’s Liquid Diet]
Beer Week blessed by an assist from St. Timothy’s [Philadelphia Inquirer]