McGillins, Philadelphia’s Oldest Ale House
McGillin’s Olde Ale House first opened it’s doors in 1860 and has been serving Philadelphians ever since. And there’s an extra reason to visit now as it’s as close as you can get to a department store in Center City Philadelphia. Not that it’s Clover Day in the bi-level McGillins, but you will find memorabilia from John Wanamaker’s, Strawbridge & Clothier, Gimbels and Lit Brothers. Come for the memorabilia, but stay for the beer, fun, and cheap food.
Specials are listed after the jump.
- $4. Pitchers: Miller Lite, Rolling Rock, Coors, PBR Bud Lite
- 1/2 Price Pizza
- $1. Pints: Bud, Miller Lite, Rolling Rock
- $4. Pitchers: Miller Lite, Rolling Rock, Coors, PBR Bud Lite
- $.25 JUMBO Buffalo Wings
- $5 Pitchers: Bud Light and PBR
- Tacos 2 for $1.00
- Karaoke 9pm
- $2.99 Margaritas
- $2.99 Cheese Nachos
- $5. Pitchers of Coors Light
- $5. Pitchers of Bud Light & PBR 5pm-7pm ONLY
- Karaoke 10pm
“Saturday Nite Five”
- $5 Pitchers: Bud Light and PBR
- $5 Six ounce Sirloin
- $.99 House Salad
It’s Where We Drink
McGillin’s Olde Ale House