Man Arrested for Stealing Northeast Woman’s Shrubbery

Surveillance footage last week showed a man working hard to extract a pom pom bush from a woman's front yard.

Police have arrested Joseph Medycki, 40, of St. Vincent Street for allegedly stealing a shrub from a woman’s front yard.

It all started last week, when a woman posted surveillance footage of a man yanking her pom pom bush out of the ground, loading it into his pick-up truck and driving away. The clip, embedded below, shows a brazen thief pulling up at 2 in the afternoon, and spending two and a half minutes ripping out the bush. There appears to be another bush already in his pick-up.

please share this video….He drove up to my house today approx 2 pm and stole my pom pom bush by hand…he is driving…

Posted by Michelle Hinett-Hartner on Thursday, April 30, 2015

Police say that Medycki turned himself in to Northeast Detectives after the footage made the rounds on social media. He has been arrested and charged with two counts of theft.

Many comments on the Facebook post say the man in the video had been going around the Northeast Philly neighborhood stealing bushes.

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