Color My World, Part 2: Painting Your Home Exterior

Painting Your Home Exterior

Believe it or not, there’s something kind of safe about picking a bold color for your walls—if you hate it, you can always change it without the world seeing it. But picking a non-neutral color when painting your home exterior can be a pretty daring endeavor. If you select the right hue, you could easily boost your home’s curb appeal, and if your don’t…well, there’s no way to hide it.

Before you select a color, take a good look at your home and examine its environment. You want to select a color that harmonizes well with things like your roof, your neighbors’ home colors and your landscaping. Also, if you have mixed materials on your exterior, say some spots that are brick, make sure each section matches. And it’s best to stick within one color family instead of applying contrasting accent colors—the latter could detract from the home’s architectural features.

After all, you want your home to the gem on the block, not the eyesore. Here are a few colorful homes to give you some inspiration.