Watch This Ridiculous Ad College Republicans Made for Tom Corbett

A new ad from the College Republican National Committee says Tom Wolf is like an overpriced old-style wedding dress your mother wants you to buy.

Yesterday, the College Republican National Committee released a series of campaign ads for Republicans in gubernatorial elections this November. They’re all essentially the same and have the same theme: “Say Yes to the Candidate!” Yes, College Republicans made Say Yes to the Dress parody ads.

And, as luck would have it, Tom Corbett got one! Yes, if young women voters go with the Tom Wolf dress instead of the Corbett one, per the ad, they will face higher taxes, job loss and higher unemployment. How does this work? How does a dress come with “higher unemployment”? The idea’s there, but it doesn’t quite, ahem, fit perfectly. The voice-over also says that “sometimes it’s hard to let go of old styles,” which is weird: Corbett is the incumbent. Shouldn’t this ad be pitching to stick with the old style?

The Tom Corbett

As you might have guessed, these ads have rankled some. Democrats ripped the ads, while Time dubbed one “the Most Sexist Republican Ad of the Year.”

“How do you reach the generation that has their earbuds in and their minds turned off to traditional advertising?” College Republicans chair Alex Smith told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s our goal to start the conversation by presenting ourselves in a culturally relevant way.”