Han Dynasty Is Doing A 36 Course Wu-Tang Beer Dinner

Also, some freestyle rap.

Okay, so this is bonkers and I have no idea how it’s all going to shake out, but for those of you who know Han Chiang and like Han Chiang, none of what follows should come as a surprise.

Han Dynasty Old City is doing a beer dinner. That’s not weird. They do those all the time.

They’re partnering with Founders and Dogfish Head for the event, which is cool. Plenty of good beers there.

It’s going to be 36 courses (which is a little bit crazy), inspired by the Wu-Tang Clan (which is crazier), and it’s all happening tomorrow night at 7pm.

This isn’t the first time Han Dynasty has done this. Last year, they did a 20-course Wu-Tang Beer dinner. But at least as far as I can remember, that one didn’t come with its own rap song. This one does. Dig it:

Yup. $75 gets you in the door. And who knows what happens after that…

Han Dynasty [f8b8z]