Very Influential Philadelphians
New in 2015! We wanted to give recognition to some familiar faces who are big fans of our local Health Hero Challenge and couldn’t resist throwing their hats into the ring! Vote for your favorite VIP—Very Influential Philadelphian—who is making an impact on the health and wellness community in our region and help them to support the causes that they are passionate about. The winner’s charity will be the future beneficiary of a Philadelphia magazine event. Read on to learn more about the VIP Finalists and their charities.
Phil Martelli
Head Coach, St. Joseph’s University Men’s Basketball
Facebook: SaintJosephsHawks
Twitter: @SJUHawks
Instagram: @THWND
Beneficiary: Coaches vs. Cancer of Philadelphia
Who or what motivates you to be healthy?
My family.
What is your number one piece of health related advice/encouragement?
Think of your loved ones!
What is your mission in the health and wellness community, and why?
To eliminate cancer – why not?!?? As both the Coaches vs. Cancer national council chair and the Philadelphia co-chair, I work with my fellow coaches to leverage our personal experiences, community leadership activities and professional excellence to increase cancer awareness and promote healthy living through year-round awareness efforts, fundraising activities and advocacy programs. I’m proud to say that, since 1993, coaches nationwide have raised more than $87 million for the American Cancer Society.
Lu Ann Cahn
Author of I Dare Me, Professional Speaker, and Director of Career Services for the School of Media and Communication at Temple University
Facebook: Lu Ann Cahn
Twitter: @luanncahn
Beneficiary: Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Who or what motivates you to be healthy?
When you lose as many body parts as I have, you worry about keeping the ones you have left. It’s amazing how many body parts you can live without. I recognize I’m very lucky to be here after having my colon removed for ulcerative colitis and having a breast removed at the age of 35, and part of my right kidney removed after a renal cell carcinoma diagnosis 10 years after breast cancer. That’s pretty good motivation to stay as healthy as possible. And besides, I always feel better when I eat right and treat my body right.
What is your number one piece of health related advice/encouragement?
I know what it’s like to feel like your body has turned against you and think “why bother?” I also know what it’s like to have injuries that prevent you from doing certain activities. What I would say is don’t worry about perfection or about what you can’t do. Find what you CAN DO. Find something that gives you an adrenalin rush, gets your endorphins going. I know that when you are making a big life transition, or facing major challenges, working your body helps get your head right and makes you feel mentally and physically stronger.’s the not so secret “fountain of youth”.
What is your mission in the health and wellness community, and why?
My mission is to remind women in particular, to trust your gut; trust your body. If something doesn’t feel right, pursue it until you find out what it is. I had a doctor tell me the lump I felt in my breast was nothing. I had a negative mammogram. I walked around for 6 months while an aggressive cancer grew in my body. It was my husband who reminded me that I knew my body better than doctors who saw me once a year. It was because he urged me to see another doctor that I was finally diagnosed. It’s sad to say…I still hear young women tell similar stories.
Rich Landau
Chef/Owner of Vedge and V Street restaurants
Facebook: Vedge Restaurant
Twitter: @vedgerestaurant
Instagram: vedgephiladelphia
Beneficiary: Coalition for Healthy School Food
Who or what motivates you to be healthy?
My wife and my son. I want to be in great physical and mental shape so that I can be the best father and husband possible.
Describe a health or fitness related turning point in your life.
Moving from a vegetarian diet to a vegan focused diet. I learned that dairy is one of the worst things you can put in your body, and vegetarians lean way too heavily on it. Once I had it out of my system, I noticed an amazing change, both physically and mentally. I rarely get sick anymore and if I do, it only lasts for a day or two!
What is your mission in the health and wellness community, and why?
To show people that they do not have to eat animal products to have a great meal, or an amazing dining experience for that matter!