Low Country Feast with Anson Mills Coming to Geechee Girl Rice Cafe

geecheeGeechee Girl Rice Café is dedicated to providing the spirit of the South to Philadelphia. Their menu is based on the traditional foodways of the Low Country of South Carolina and Georgia where rice is the staple grain. And on Tuesday, May 21st they take their Southern flare to the next level by welcoming Glenn Roberts of Anson Mills to the restaurant.

Geechee owner Valerie Erwin has been getting cornmeal, grits and rice from Anson Mills since 2003 when Geechee Girl opened. Anson Mills grows and sells heirloom grains, seeds and legumes to well-known restaurants and chefs all over the country.

The dinner is a benefit for the Southern Foodways Alliance, of which Roberts is a fellow.  Erwin is on the SFA board of directors. The $65 dinner fee includes a donation to the Southern Foodways Alliance.

Geechee Girl’s staff will be assisted by students from Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-Cap).  C-Cap, through its culinary arts education and employment programs, provides career opportunities in the foodservice industry for underserved youth.

Small Plate Menu

Sea Island red pea accra; Cape purple bean & benne seed hummous; buttermilk tzatzik

Buckwheat hoecake topped with bourbon cured gravlax.

Yellow grits “risotto”.  Seared sea scallop.  Collard green-almond pesto

Neckbones and tomatoes: Traditional pork and tomato ragout.  Corn-Rice bread skillet bread

Vegetable Country Captain. Housemade chicken confit. Laurel aged Carolina Gold rice

Overbrook Farms Salad with Geechee Girl vinaigrette

Grits praline ice cream.  Rice flour shortcake.  Fresh strawberries

Geechee Girl [Official Site]