This Week in A&E: Dance Inspired by Paintings, Photos Inspired by Music

“You & I Forever” featuring the photos of Lorelei Narvaja @ Tattooed Mom on Saturday.
You & I Forever @ Tattooed Mom | Saturday, March 12
This event celebrates the second issue of You & I Forever, a photozine featuring images inspired by “music, beauty, & a love for life.” Lorelei Narvaja took the photos; Foxx Boogie provides the music at the party. The zine is free.
Local Girls @ Azuka | Through March 13
Our resident theater critic David Fox appreciated Emma Goidel’s play about high school students forming a band. I attended the show at a sold-out performance, full of what I took to be high schools students — who seemed to enjoy it thoroughly,” he wrote. “In the end, maybe Local Girls is a bit of an after-school special. But for the right audiences especially, it’s one worth seeing.”
Grafitto Works @ PAFA | Wednesday March 9 (TONIGHT)
A site-specific performance of inspirational dance inspired by the “Procession: The Art of Norman Lewis,” and exhibition displaying collects 100 works by the politically conscious abstract expressionist.

From “Procession: The Art of Norman Lewis” @ PAFA.

By Michael Ciervo, from the “Chewing the Scenery” exhibition at Crane Arts’ Icebox.
Chewing the Scenery @ Icebox Project Space | March 10-19
This group show at the Crane Arts Building is curated by Jonathan Santoro and Meredith Sellers. Features the work of Michael Ciervo, Sharon Koelblinger, Paul Koneazny, Lauren Pakradooni and more.
She is… Portraits in Watercolor Workshop with Bernard Collins Jr. @ The African American Museum | Saturday, March 12
A free workshop, with free supplies provided, and a live model. Museum admission is also free on Saturday because it’s Museum Day Live!, celebrating women and girls of color. Register for tickets.
Young Voices Monologue Festival @ InterAct | March 10-19
This edition of the annual festival features 18 monologues by students from 17 different area schools. For a taste the funny, poignant, inventive pieces, check out InterAct’s #AMonologueADay posts.
Goodbye to City Schools @ Tyler School of Art | Wednesday March 9 (TONIGHT)
A free screening of the short documentary film Goodbye to City Schools — about the closing of several Philly public schools, including Bok, which became a beer garden — followed by a conversation with director Dr. Amy Oppong Yeboah. Watch the trailer:
- Cy Twombly: Sculpture @ The Art Museum | Through March 27 You’ve had since since 2013 to check this one out. Now you only have a few weeks.
- The Women @ Egopo | Through March 20 Theater critic David Fox didn’t love EgoPo’s production of Clare Boothe Luce’s The Women, but it gave him a lot to think about: “Back to that first image — without revealing too much, I can say that what we see is a child, seemingly sleeping or floating in a sea of white satin. Or is it a casket? Is the image happy dreaming… or a nightmare… or death?”
- Black Hound Clay Studio Fundraiser / Pop Up Closing Party @ Art Star | Saturday, March 12 Raffle/Fundraiser in the name of art.
- Limon Dance Company @ Prince Theater | Saturday March 12 For its 70th anniversary tour, the LDC performs three piece by founding choreographer José Limón.