HughE Dillon: Kevin Dillon Visits the Parx Casino

The Entourage star opened the Bensalem casino's new poker room. Plus exclusive photos from the Bad Dog Ball and the scoop on who was signing autographs at the Marriott

On Friday night, I visited the Parx Casino to see Entourage star Kevin Dillon officially open the new poker room. On Saturday, I headed to the Bad Dog Ball, hosted by the Young Friends of the Pennsylvania SPCA. Guests were encouraged to bring their four-legged friends and I’ve got lots of pics of cute pups.

Yesterday, Peyton Manning and many of the Indianapolis Colts signed autographs for fans as they left the Marriott Downtown.

Tonight, there will be a screening of Tigre Hill‘s controversial movie screening of The Barrel of a Gun. The film is a documentary about Mumia Abu-Jamal and the killing of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. After the movie, there will be an exciting debate with District Attorney Seth Williams and attorney/activist Michael Coard, moderated by Lynn Doyle, Emmy-winning host of It’s Your Call! Tigre Hill will also be available to answer questions.

Jimmy Smits‘s Philly-shot show Outlaw was canceled after just three episodes. Though the pilot was shot in Philly, the show’s filming later moved to Baltimore.