Morning Headlines: Mt. Sinai Developers to Meet the Neighbors
An e-newsletter sent by the Dickinson Square West Civic Association (DSWCA) announced that Concordia Group, owners of Mt. Sinai hospital at 4th and Reed Street, will make a presentation to the public regarding the development of the long-vacant property on March 3 at 7 p.m. at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church at 410 Wharton Street.
Earlier this month, PlanPhilly’s Jared Brey reported that a demolition permit was issued for the property and that Concordia planned to build “an unspecified number of single-family, attached row houses” in its place.
DWSCA held a public meeting on February 17 that sought input from the community about what type of development would work best for the area. That information would then be sent to Concordia for consideration. Representatives from Concordia were not present at the meeting, but issues like preserving the building and parking were heavily discussed. Other neighbors asked that the building be converted into senior housing with a community center.
Ted Savage, president of DSWCA, didn’t get into too many specifics at the meeting with the public, but did mention “a lot of ideas were on the table” after previously meeting with representatives from Concordia. Interestingly enough, Savage mentioned that the developers typically specialize in residential projects and were not considering mixed-used development for the site. You may remember that the most recent (failed) iteration from developer Gagan Lakhmna called for a restaurant on 4th Street. Of course, demolition of the building wasn’t in previous plans, either. So it will interesting to hear what the developers say at the meeting on Tuesday.
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