5 Wedding-Day Beauty Tips for Winter Brides



As any lady who bemoans her winter hair (static-y! dull!) and winter skin (dry! splotchy!) the second the temperatures start to drop into the sad numbers knows (though, as a side note, if you are a lady who somehow is not afflicted by one or both of these devastating conditions, please SHARE YOUR SECRETS), we’ve just got to do a few things differently with the hair styling and the makeup during these frigid months. And winter brides, of course, are not exempt from this.

This Refinery29 post offers tips for you cold-weather brides on how to beat these rude conditions that threaten to mar your gorgeousness on your winter wedding day, from that static-y hair vs. your veil to flaky skin—and makes a few good points about, say, going overboard on the glitter, which, we all realize, can be tempting when your wedding day is bound to be a beautiful winter wonderland.

How are you and your beauty team planning to beat the winter elements on your Big Day? 

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