How to Use 2014’s Top Fitness Trend to Get in Shape for Your Wedding (No, Seriously. We Created a Workout Just for Brides)

Well, thank goodness we here at PW are friends with the peeps at Be Well Philly, ladies. Because they sure know what they’re talking about.
Today, our lovely colleagues posted about the new top fitness trend for 2014 (click here to read about how this finding was determined), which is, surprisingly, high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, as the cool kids call it. It’s surprising, because HIIT is somewhat new to the fitness scene, and because it beat out, on the list of the Top 20 Fitness Trends, Spinning and Zumba (neither of which even made the cut!), and yoga, which was way far down.
Here’s why you’re lucky. Back in 2012, I asked health and fitness editor Emily Leaman to do a page for an issue of Philadelphia Wedding that gave brides an awesome, not-boring workout to do that wouldn’t just get them into dress-ready shape—but that also wouldn’t take a million hours out of their day. (Brides are busy people, no?)
And what did she come up with? Why, not one, but three high-intensity interval training workouts for brides to do. Because the idea behind HIIT, you see, is that you really can get in a super duper hard, total-body workout in 20 minutes. Which is awesome.
She chatted with local trainers, got the goods, and here, in case you missed it back then, is what she worked up. Happy sweating.
Trainer: Holly Waters, Philly’s Sweat Fitness. Equipment: Free weights, mat.
Walk four minutes at a 15.0 incline with weights in hand. Run two minutes at 80 percent of your max speed at zero incline. Do 15 burpees: Jump with arms above the head, then drop to the floor in a plank. Do a push-up, draw legs back in, and stand up. Sprint two minutes at zero incline. Do weighted squats for one minute: Hold weights in hands with arms at sides, drop your seat until quads are parallel to the floor. Sprint two minutes at a 5.0 incline. Do jumping squats for one minute: same form as above, but add a jump when you stand up. Do 30 sit- ups. Walk four minutes at a 15.0 incline with weights in hands.
Trainer: Nancy McKenna, Main Line. Equipment: Just yourself.
Warm up for three minutes at a comfortable resistance and incline. Complete eight speed intervals: Sprint 30 seconds at maximum effort and moderate incline, then reduce to a comfortable pace for 15 seconds. (That’s one interval.) Ride for two minutes at active rest—a comfortable pace and low resistance. Complete eight more speed intervals. Thencool down for three minutes at a comfortable resistance.
Trainer: Liz Robinson, Philadelphia Sports Clubs and online at EquiPmenT: iPod (with an awesome soundtrack).
Ride two minutes at easy resistance (around level 6 to 8 on your bike; pedal at 75 rpms).Increase resistance for three minutes (around level 10 to 12; pedal at 80 rpms). Following your music, increase pace by about 15 to 20 percent at each chorus. Climb uphill for six minutes (around level 15 to 17; increase resistance each minute or two). Keep resistance as high as possible—above 15— for four minutes. At every chorus, push your pace a little bit harder. Bike cool down: Catch your breath as you ride easy for two minutes.
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