King of Prussia Is Now Home to the Country’s Second Hearts on Fire Jewelry Store

The new Hearts on Fire store in King of Prussia is the brand’s second in the United States.
In 2012, Hearts on Fire, the diamond brand that calls itself The World’s Most Perfectly Cut Diamond, opened its first US retail location in Vegas. It hit big, and so this month, they opened a second location US location—right here in King of Prussia.
I hopped out to the new boutique last week (it’s immediately to the left when you exit Neiman Marcus on the second floor after splurging in the shoe department) to take a look around and play with diamonds, obviously, and I wasn’t sure what to expect, having heard that the jewelry was mounted on the walls, and that there were a lot of digital features in the store.
Well now I get it, and it’s really cool, honestly. Basically, there are no low, long, glass jewelry cases, with you peering in from above and pointing at things to the jewelry rep behind the counter. The jewelry is displayed in a series of wall-mounted smaller cases right at eye-level, and if you want to see something, a rep will zap a button on a remote, and the jewelry display slides out, downwards, from underneath the glass. (There’s a picture in the slideshow below.) This is quite fun, I have to say.
There’s also a table where you can sit with a few pieces to try them on and discuss with whomever you might need to discuss, and this works kind of like the community tables now all around at Philly restaurants; you want a seat, you grab an empty one, next to the other couple trying on rings. There are also interactive screens where you can watch videos about the brand, and flip through a digital jewelry catalogue.
What was extra cool was that the brand’s Italian jewelry designer, Ilaria Lanzoni was there, explaining all about their diamond rings to me while I plopped them on my finger. The reason they call their diamonds the most perfectly cut in the world is because a) the company selects only the most top-notch, knot-free stones (less that one tenth of one percent of all rough diamonds end up as Hearts on Fire diamonds), b) only 400 out of one million diamond cutters in the world are qualified to cut a Hearts on Fire diamond, and c) their diamonds get cut under 100x magnification, which is ten times the required industry standard. And, as we all know with diamonds, the better the cut, the sparklier it is, and sparkly is what a diamond most wants to be.
Ilaria also showed me (that’s her hand in the gallery below, holding one of her engagement rings) how most of the engagement rings have a heart hidden somewhere in the design. It’s always subtle; the kind of thing no one would notice unless you showed it to them, but it’s there. (In the picture, you can see how it’s on the underside of the diamond.)
We talked about how we’ve both been seeing diamond halos circling solitaires a lot lately in engagement ring styles, and when I said that I also felt yellow gold was coming back a bit, she agreed—and said that rose gold, too, would be making a rise.
In January, she’ll be unveiling 20 new engagement ring styles—20!—along with other pieces in the new collection, including wedding bands (both for ladies and guys), and many other lovely pieces. So if you’ve heard about this Hearts on Fire diamond before and have been curious to check it out, head on over. Chances are high you’ll see something you’d like to invite to your Big Day.
Scroll through the slideshow for images of the store and a few of the brand’s most popular designs. Go here to see all engagement rings, and here to see all wedding rings. Happy drooling.

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