10 Vegetables You Should Be Incorporating Into Your Bridal Diet
We love when our buds over at Be Well Philly post healthy recipes! One, because selfishly, we like them. And because two, we can share them with our brides—who, no doubt, never tire of gathering healthy recipes they can make at home as they try their very, very best to eat more at home, and less, well, of Parc’s French fries.
Today, we’ve been gifted with this roundup of 10 underrated veggies, and both why they’re a good idea to eat, and how to eat them. Perfect for these coming months when you’re focusing on your health and fitness—and, you know, how you’ll look in that dress.
We especially love that fiddlehead ferns are called out, as more than one wedding florist has told me, when I’ve ooh-ed and ahh-ed at how cute they look in bridal bouquets, that they are edible. I always scrunch up my face at that, because what? But apparently, this is not just a rumor. Maybe I’ll try that stir fry this week.
In what ways are you trying to incorporate more veggies into your get-dress-ready diet?
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