Bride-to-be Blogger Carly: My Love Affair With Pinterest
I know they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and don’t get my wrong, I love (love, love, love, love) my engagement ring, but let’s be real: While my diamond sits around looking all pretty (and not helping me plan my wedding!), I’ve discovered a new best friend: Pinterest.
I discovered Pinterest last spring, and we made it official sometime in April. Our relationship started slow: I made a board for recipes I wanted to try, and then added one for crafts (that I’ll probably never try) and eventually expanded to fitness, clothing and travel boards, too.
But the one board I held out on creating was a wedding board. I mentioned in a previous post that I am semi-superstitious and was afraid of jinxing a potential proposal by doing much planning before Sean put a ring on it. But on that fateful May day, just hours after Sean asked me to marry him, I couldn’t wait to tell all my friends about the proposal, including my pal, Pinterest.
I created my wedding board the day after Sean and I got engaged, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I know it hasn’t been around long, but I just don’t know how brides planned weddings before this incredible invention. It’s just such an amazing tool for keeping together the pictures and ideas I find online!
I think there are two types of ‘pinners.’ There are those who throw caution to the wind and pin anything and everything they see and like (I admire these free spirits), and those, like me, who are very discerning about the things they pin. Being (often too) practical, I am sort of stingy with my pins, holding out for things I really like and even going back to delete things I’ve changed my mind on or found better versions of. Either way, it’s just so much fun! I love looking at other people’s ideas and thinking about how I might steal or adjust them to fit my wedding concept. Using Pinterest will allow me to be more creative with my centerpieces, escort cards, invitations and so much more!
Right now some of you may be thinking, “Seriously Carly, you wrote a whole blog about Pinterest? Slow news day, huh?” But I share my love of this fantastic site not because I own stock in the company or am some internet weirdo, but because I love the idea that we brides can share ideas so quickly and easily, tweaking and changing as necessary, to make our weddings really personal and special. I love that Pinterest allows me to then store all of these ideas so that, when it comes time to build my centerpieces or add personal touches to our ceremony and reception, I have easy access to them. I think we’ll see a trend of super-personalized weddings in the near future, and we can thank my friend Pinterest for that!
Do you use Pinterest in your wedding planning? For those of you who planned weddings BP (before Pinterest) how did you organize and keep all those magazine clippings, web-printouts, etc?
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