Sarandon, Glover, Other Celebs Gather at DNC to Protest Treatment of Sanders Backer

A massive media scrum surrounds Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover and others at a press conference in support of former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner at the Democratic National Convention media center on Wednesday | Photo: Dan McQuade
Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, Rosario Dawson and others held a press conference at the media tent of the Democratic National Convention today to protest the treatment of former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner, a Bernie Sanders delegate. Shailene Woodley and Kendrick Sampson also attended the presser, which was organized by National Nurses United.
“Bernie’s wish that she speak on Monday and also on Tuesday to introduce his nomination — this did not happen,” Sarandon said. “We’re here to say this is upsetting to us. It seems as if there have been a lot of difficulties in executing the will of Bernie Sanders’ peoples and surrogates. And this was just a topping for the whole thing. She was ready to go, and she was very, very disappointed.”
Turner, say the actors and others at the press conference, wasn’t allowed to speak for Bernie Sanders at the convention. There were rumors yesterday she had her credential revoked, but those rumors turned out to be false. Turner was a longtime Clinton ally who jumped to Bernie Sanders last November.

A supporter holds up “I’m with Nina” stickers as the press crowds around Nina Turner in the media tent | Photo: Dan McQuade
Politico reported that Turner had been closely involved with the Ready for Hillary and the pro-Clinton Super PAC Correct the Record before defecting to Bernie Sanders. Bill Clinton also campaigned for Turner during a run for Ohio Secretary of State in 2014.
Wednesday’s press conference in support of Turner was also a way for preeminent Sanders supporters to express their grievances with the Democratic National Committee. Despite winning 23 states and 1,865 delegates, Bernie supporters have felt shut out of the process at the DNC.
“Nina Turner gave her voice,” said Claudia Stauber, whose rant against Hillary went viral last week. “She gave her skin in the game to help Barack Obama get elected in Ohio. … Now, they have disrespected the most powerful voice for Bernie Sanders, for we the people and for the revolution. She has been told: ‘You did not heel.’ She is a woman of color who has stood up and not bent her backbone. This is what this is about.”
Josh Fox, who made acclaimed anti-fracking documentary Gasland, said Hillary Clinton’s camp and the DNC still had a chance to reach out to Bernie backers.
“There’s a traditional Democratic establishment, and they wear suits and ties a lot of the time,” Fox said. “And then there’s Sanders delegates, who are very much part of the movement, and these are two sides that are having a very hard time communicating with each other. You’ve seen Bernie Sanders go out and endorse Hillary Clinton. I think the feeling is, we want to see that reaching out back.”
Sarandon also addressed Sarah Silverman‘s comments on stage Monday, when she said “Bernie or Busters” were being “ridiculous.”
“I think Sarah Silverman is brilliant,” Sarandon said. “Everyone should vote for who they feel represents them best. Any decision you make from a place of fear is usually not good. She did brilliant work for Bernie earlier, I haven’t talked to her, but I think she’s talented and smart. Everyone has to do what they believe in. But it should be educated. Not just because she’s a woman. Not just because Trump’s terrible.”
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