WATCH: Koch-Connected Group Attacks Kevin Dougherty

The ad is called "Factual." But it reportedly omits some details.

Somebody really doesn’t want Kevin Dougherty to take a seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court:

The above ad is sponsored by the Republican State Leadership Committee, an independent PAC that supports GOP candidates in state-level races. The Post-Gazette reports the group has apparently received $100,000 from the Koch Brothers, the Kansas millionaires who support right-wing and libertarian causes.

The Post-Gazette says the ad — titled “Factual” — omits some key details, however:

“The ad targeting Judge Dougherty blasts him for a decision he made in a 2002 custody case, in which a truant 10-year-old girl was placed with her aunt, who’d previously been convicted of third-degree murder, and was later found to have abused the child while also imprisoning four mentally challenged adults while collecting their Social Security benefits,” the paper reports. “As the Post-Gazette first reported last night, court records and contemporaneous reporting suggest that Judge Dougherty was not told of the aunt’s history by city officials, who approved the placement (as did the child’s family).”

“Instead of excuses, he should be keeping Pennsylvania’s children safe,” RSLC President Matt Walter said. Democrats responded that the ad is “grossly inaccurate.”

Dougherty, one of the leading Democrats in the race, would of course make a natural target for GOP attack ads. But he’s also the brother of John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty the Philadelphia union leader and political kingmaker. That may have earned him particular scrutiny from Republicans, who have sought to curtail the power and political influence of labor unions both nationally and across Pennsylvania in recent years.

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