Daily Pennsylvanian Finally Tracks Down Dude Who Remembers Trump at Wharton
Donald Trump may be making serious hay out of his Wharton degree on the campaign trail — he’s even leading the GOP in Pennsylvania, we found out today — but intrepid reporters from such august publications as the Washington Post, Fortune, Salon and the New York Daily News have found few classmates who have anything more than the haziest of recollections of him during his two years there. (He started out at Fordham, but who’d cite Fordham in a presidential campaign?)
Never fear, though: Penn’s student newspaper, the Daily Pennsylvanian, has managed to find a person who not only knew Trump in his Wharton years, but actually had lunch with him a few times. Granted, the DP had to ask 13 former Trump classmates before landing on fellow 1968 grad Ted Sachs, a retired consultant from Lake Forest, Illinois, but its reporters did prevail.
And guess what? Sachs liked Trump. “I thought he was a really nice guy,” Sachs recalls. “He was very self-effacing. He never talked about himself.” Which just goes to prove what Sachs muses at the end of the DP article: “After any relationship, does anyone really know a person?” Deep thoughts, DP. Deep thoughts.