Always Sunny in Philadelphia Actor Gives The “Only Graduation Speech You Need to Hear.”

At his alma mater, Merrimack College.

Slate explains: “The next few weeks will bring a deluge of wise and not-so-wise words from a host of writers, politicians, and celebrities, but the year’s best speech may have already happened: Charlie Day, of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fame, spoke this past weekend to graduates at his alma mater, Merrimack College. As should be expected, it’s a hilarious and digressive spiel, covering everything from Day’s thoughts on graduation robes (reminiscent of a medieval pastry chef) to his undergraduate antics, which include cutting shower curtains at waist-level. But it’s not all jokes: Day couches his comedy in an eloquent discussion of his early days in New York, when he was a struggling actor who took a huge risk to work on Sunny. Worked out pretty well: the show recently became one of the longest-running comedies in the history of television.”