Players Resist NFL Concussion Settlement

Say it may not help all affected players.

The Philadelphia Business Journal reports that seven retired players — including former Eagle Sean Considine — are asking the U.S. District Court in Philadelphia to intervene in the NFL concussion lawsuit. They’re challenging a proposed $765 million settlement of the lawsuit, saying they’re concerned the payout wouldn’t apply to all affected ex-players who need help. U.S. District Judge Anita Brody had earlier rejected the settlement for similar reasons. “They’re people who have a very strong belief that players like themselves have been injured and this settlement process and this settlement has treated them unfairly,” attorney Steven Molo of the New York-based MoloLamken firm representing the players, told the Los Angeles Times. “They had long, sustained, high-quality careers in the NFL. They’re not people who are just trying to make a quick buck off this.”