Rendell: Don’t Count Corbett Out Yet
Ed Rendell is in the papers this morning, warning Democrats not to take Tom Corbett lightly this election season, no matter how bad the governor’s approval ratings. The Pittburgh Post-Gazette reports:
As a sitting governor, Mr. Corbett has opportunities unavailable to challengers, as his immediate predecessor, Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat, noted in an interview.
“An incumbent governor has tremendous advantages,” Mr. Rendell said. “The first and foremost advantage he has is the ability to continue governing and to look nonpolitical at a time when his challenger, essentially everything he does is going to look political. The governor can govern.”
And, he added, the governor can use the power of his office to raise large amounts of money, even if he is not favored to win. Without an opponent even chosen, Mr. Rendell said, Democrats should not think Mr. Corbett’s polling numbers mean victory is sure.