Brian Sims, Giovanni’s Room to Receive 2014 HEROES Awards

Philly State Representative Brian Sims will be honored with DVLF’s 2014 Community HERO Award.

On March 30th, Delaware Valley Legacy Fund (DVLF) will honor six local LGBTers and allies at its eighth annual HEROES event. The affair was created by DVLF to pay tribute to “youth, adults, non-profits, straight-allies & businesses who have bold ideas, act with selfless intention, are admired for their integrity, and are regarded as courageous in advancing the equality of the [region’s] LGBTQ community.”

Those being awarded are mega gay rights advocate Mel Heifetz (Lifetime Achievement), Philly State Representative Brian Sims (Community HERO), pro-marriage fighting MontCo Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes (Straight Ally HERO), Donald Jackson (Youth HERO), the City of Brotherly Love Softball League (Non-Profit Organization HERO), and Philly iconic gay bookstore Giovanni’s Room (Business/Corporation HERO).

The awards will be handed out at a brunch on May 30th in the Lafayette Ballroom of the Hotel Monaco. For more information and tickets go to