GLAAD Urges Pro-LGBT Pennsylvanians to Send a Holiday Card to Governor Corbett

An example card. This one features Cooper Smith Koch, Todd Koch and their two kids.

GLAAD has put out an announcement calling on those of us living in one of the 34 non-marriage states to send holiday greetings to our governors. They’ve even gone so far as to give you instructions on exactly how to go about it:

Share the holiday photos of your family — whether you’re LGBT or an ally — with the governors of these states and encourage them to support equality for everyone. How? Send your family’s holiday card to a governor of a state that doesn’t recognize marriage equality. We’ve provided addresses below.

Not into snail mail? Then email it. … Don’t forget to include a message of support for LGBT families. Example message: ‘This holiday season, my family will be celebrating alongside our friends and neighbors. But we look forward to the day when all families will be able to celebrate equally. Please support marriage for all loving couples. Happy holidays.’

This is what my momma always called “killing ’em with kindness,” and she says it works 100 percent of the time. So … Here’s Governor Corbett’s contact info:

Tom Corbett
Address: 225 Main Capitol Bldg., Harrisburg, PA 17120
Twitter: @governorcorbett

If you happen to reach this post and you live in another state, you can find your governor’s contact info here.